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Are you a first time leader? How are you feeling right now?

Congratulations! You've landed your first leadership role. How are you feeling? Slightly terrified? Rest assured, you're not the first new manager to feel like this.


Perfecting the art of transparent communication and collaboration

By encouraging transparent communication and collaboration, you will start to see a more productive and more engaged team.


Why leaders should distinguish between responsibility and accountability in their team members

When leaders and their team members appreciate the differences between responsibility and accountability, this results in the most suitable individuals being assigned to projects and which people will take ownership for the overall results.

Leading People

How to keep your sales team motivated over summer

What makes a driven and ambitious salesperson tick at this time of the year? Sales leaders, it’s up to you to motivate team members and help maintain some level of ‘holiday cheer’.


An open letter to the C-Suite: Look after your middle mangers

An open letter, written on behalf of middle managers, to their leaders – the CEOs and others in the C-suite on how to better take care of direct reports.


Don’t be an invisible leader

Nobody confides or puts their trust in invisible leaders. It’s a leader’s genuine presence and availability that increases team morale, loyalty and commitment.

Leading People

What are the barriers to your effectiveness as a leader?

With the change and uncertainty out there, leaders need to approach each day with a growth mindset, training their brains to make slower, more logical and deliberate decisions.

Leading People

The power of vulnerability when it comes to giving feedback

There's nothing wrong with showing vulnerability when delivering feedback, but you should never need to sandwich it with positive feedback.

Leading People

What it means to lead in the moment

You might find yourself in situations where your ability to lead in the moment is tested. This involves observing, thinking, processing, and acting in the moment.

Strategic Thinking

A culture of blame? Or a culture of accountability? You have the power to decide

Whether you’re a senior leader, middle manager, or aspiring leader, think about whether you're creating a culture of blame or accountability?


Navigating the challenges of leading across a matrix organisation

Matrix-led business research reveals dual reporting can lead to conflict and confusion, particularly when leaders have different leadership styles.

Strategic Thinking

Have you considered the importance of a “strategic perspective” in your leadership toolkit?

Strategic perspective doesn’t just mean planning for the future. It’s coming up with ideas to cope with changing environments, market challenges, and considering the big picture.

Leading People

Mastering hybrid leadership: Adapting to the “new normal” work culture

As we transition and adapt to the ‘new normal’ hybrid work culture, it’s important leaders think about what their team members need and expect from them.


Why honesty is the best policy when it comes to career development conversations with employees

Employees want to know what their career paths look like. Career development should become a natural part of an organisation’s culture, but it can’t always be the case.


What is change leadership and how much change is too much change?

Guiding teams through change isn’t easy, and it’s the role of change leaders to ensure those around them aren’t taken by surprise by changes and feel safe.


How transparent should you be as a leader?

Transparent leadership helps to eliminate employees’ fear of the unknown as well as unnecessary nasty surprises.

Leading People

Why shifting the goalposts can be poor form for any leaders

One of the biggest mistakes a leader can make (right up there with not delivering feedback properly and poor decision making) is what is known as shifting the goalposts.


Self-motivation: The often-forgotten essential skill for every leader

Self-motivation is identifying your purpose, taking pride in and feeling passionate about seeking challenges, and the relentless pursuit of learning and professional development.


Understanding self-regulation to monitor your emotions and lead with integrity

At a high level, self-regulation is about displaying predictable and calming behaviour in front of team members, regardless of external challenges.


The art of leading with empathy; leading with kindness; and leading with heart

For any leader, being kind, compassionate, or showing empathy doesn’t mean being a pushover. Demonstrating empathy and compassion is a successful approach to leadership on many levels.


Understanding the importance of emotional intelligence for leaders

Emotional Intelligence is a critical leadership capability. The ability to perceive your own and others' emotions; to understand the signals, whilst managing them successfully.


Are you experiencing Imposter Syndrome as a leader? You are not alone

Perhaps you feel your career has been a series of lucky breaks, you were in the right place at the right time or promoted into your leadership role by fluke. You're not alone.

Strategic Thinking

The power of curiosity: For you as a leader and for your team

Encouraging curiosity is as important as prioritising your own level of curiosity as a leader. Ask questions and invite questions from team members.


Burnout isn’t good for anyone, least of all a leader

Whether you strive for work-life balance, integration, or separation, the primary focus for any leader is to find time away and focus on yourself, your mental health and well-being.