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Strategic Thinking

What does it mean to be a data-driven leader?

Data can improve business performance (increase sales), forge solid client relationships and streamline operations. But, the value isn’t purely the data. It’s what you do with and how you use it to drive decisions.


How to increase employee engagement by creating a safe space while also holding space

How comfortable are your team members in expressing emotions in the workplace? If someone cried, would they feel embarrassed, or have you created a culture where vunerability's OK?


Why executive presence is a leader's x-factor

Executive presence isn’t exerting authority or engaging in power plays. It's embodying leadership traits such as commanding a room, displaying confidence and communicating articulately.


Are you suffering from decision making fatigue as a leader?

Have you thought about how many decisions you make as a leader or whether you may be suffering from decision-making fatigue? It’s important to be aware of the tell-tale signs.

Strategic Thinking

The importance of defining and maintaining a solid company culture

Establishing the company culture you want is vital to the continued growth of your business. However, maintaining a good company culture is an ongoing project.

Leading People

How to successfully lead a multi-generational workforce

Empowering a multi-generational workforce is a common leadership development trait – one that will become even more important. How can you successfully lead a multi-generational workforce?

Leading People

Why rejecting candidates is actually good for your employer brand

As a business owner or people leader, you should consider implementing more quality checks and protocol around the candidate experience – especially when it comes to candidate rejection.

Leading People

Why sometimes an inheritance can be more trouble than it’s worth

Inheriting a team can be exciting, it also comes with challenges and it’s important for leaders finding themselves in this situation to be ready to tackle these challenges head on.

Leading People

6 tips for running an effective end of year performance review

Properly conducted, performance reviews indicate your professionalism as a leader, appreciation of contribution and desire to see employees improve and grow within the company.

Leading People

The incredible power behind one simple question

Asking a team member whether there is anything else you can help them with can be an incredibly powerful reinforcement of your commitment to their development.


You have two ears and one mouth for a reason

Active listening is one of the most essential skills for a leader. Who are you listening to as a leader? Not just hearing, but listening to, understanding and being present for?


Coaching should leverage your strengths and not just focus on your weaknesses

To the degree you are aware of your developmental areas, there are also strengths that are equally proportionate to your greatest weaknesses. These strengths could be your superpowers.

Leading People

Why asking for feedback is so much more important than giving it

Many of the world’s largest companies have completely transformed their approach to performance management with 1 in 3 Fortune 500 companies moving to a continuous performance management model.

Leading People

The danger of toxic positivity when it comes to leading a team

When the going gets tough, there are many leaders who will try far too hard to pretend everything’s fine or to put a positive spin on every situation as opposed to accepting the reality that sometimes things just don’t quite go according to plan.


How to create an environment where the team can flourish, and your people can thrive

It's important to create an environment where everyone feels empowered, equipped, and enlightened, and is striving to achieve their own personal as well as team goals.

Strategic Thinking

What it takes to lead through a digital transformation

The word ‘digital’ means something different to everyone. But the experts in the field of organisational change define ‘digital transformation’ as the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business.

Leading People

Why leaders should set new year’s goals as opposed to resolutions

If you want to be the best leader you can be, you can’t afford to neglect setting SMART goals. Whilst it might be too late to wish people a happy new year, or to set new year’s resolutions, it's not too late to establish your own and your team’s goals for the year ahead.


How to prevent yourself and your team from burning out in 2023

Burnout isn’t good for anyone, least of all a leader. Even for the most driven and committed leaders, energy and enthusiasm levels have a shelf-life and nobody wants their energy to expire.

Leading People

How to deal with team conflict as a leader

Effective team management requires balancing skills, abilities, personalities and roles, and resolving conflicts in a timely manner. Astrology has no place in recruitment or conflict resolution.


Look out for the tell-tale signs: How to prevent your team from burning out

Burnout isn’t good for anyone. In fact, researchers have cited that “burnout represents an erosion of the human soul that spreads over time, putting people into a downward spiral from which it’s hard to recover”. Preventing team burnout is a leadership responsibility.

Leading People

How you can be a successful leader when you’re ‘low on empathy’

While empathy can be extremely helpful for building strong relationships with team members and understanding their needs and concerns, it’s certainly not the only factor that determines a leader’s success.


Why story telling is an extremely valuable skill for any leader

Storytelling can help leaders build a strong organisational culture by reinforcing shared values and beliefs. By sharing stories about the company’s history, successes, and challenges, leaders can create a sense of identity and community that fosters loyalty and commitment among employees.

Leading People

Are you leading by invitation or from a place of desperation?

Leading from a place of desperation is not a sustainable or effective leadership style. Instead, those leading by invitation create a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility, where everyone’s voice is heard, and where team members are empowered to contribute to the organisation’s success.

Leading People

Mastering the juggle when leading disagreeable yet highly effective employees

It is important for leaders to be able to distinguish between ‘disagreeable’ and ‘toxic’ team members. After all, disagreeable employees can often bring valuable skills and perspectives to a team or organisation, and they can also be highly effective in certain roles.

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